Mortgages for the self-employed.
01452 471 800

Case Studies

Dive into our Case Studies page and discover firsthand accounts of self-employed individuals who have overcome obstacles and realised their homeownership dreams with our personalised mortgage solutions. Gain insights, inspiration, and practical tips to guide you on your own path to homeownership success.


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Mr & Mrs P

Most lenders calculate affordability using your salary plus dividends...

Mr & Mrs P are company directors and each own 50% of their company. They wanted to raise £50,000 for home improvements, but their existing mortgage lender said they did not meet their affordability criteria and refused to increase their existing £356,500 mortgage.

Mr & Mrs P approached Wizard Mortgages for help and by switching them to a different mortgage lender, that allowed them to use their company's net profit as part of their income, they were able to borrow the additional £50,000 they wanted for their home improvements (but could have borrowed as much as £652,150).

Mr & Mrs P were happy to pay a small early repayment charge to move from their lender to enable them to release the funds they needed.

December 2023

Mr C

Some lenders will use your latest year's income, rather than take an average income.

Mr C is a sole trader and wanted to move house. His income two years ago was £54,250 but his business has taken off and last year his income increased to £142,250.

Approaching his current mortgage lender Mr C was told he could borrow up to £344,500. Mr C approached Wizard Mortgages for help and we moved him to a new lender that would solely take his latest year’s income into consideration for affordability.

Doing this he was able to borrow up to £426,800.

October 2022